Current Vacancies

We welcome CVs from people interested in joining Philip Pank Partnership LLP through the use of the application button below. We hope to hear from you soon and we hope you’ll be part of the team soon!

Available Vacancies (Enquire using the attached form):

  • Employer Agent

  • Graduate Surveyor


We are always keen to hear from people who are interested in joining our team, whether in our London, Wantage, West Malling or Brighton offices.

Over the last decade, Philip Pank Partnership LLP has significantly changed and improved its approach to staff training and development. While continuing with our policy of allocating each member of staff a training budget we have improved, extended and broadened access to training opportunities.

Our recruitment and training policy calls for us to recruit suitably qualified and experienced staff to assist the practice to carry out our services. We use a variety of criteria to establish the most suitable candidate. We provide a high degree of self-empowerment, an autonomous but supported workload and good salary terms. As a result staff turnover at PPP is very low. We place enthusiasm, flexibility and social skills as high as experience and qualifications, as we can provide training to supplement any shortage of the latter, but the former qualities are paramount in the successful integration of the individual into the office and his/her interface with our Clients.